Comments on: What Attitude should Church Members Have Towards their Pastor? – Dave Seivright Sat, 29 Apr 2023 16:26:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Martha G. Brady Tue, 10 Apr 2018 17:45:46 +0000 sorry, i can’t seem to get this in a readable form. 2 is going with a humble attitude. 3 is praying together. 4 is recognizing that you both may not end up agreeing on everything but some of it may have to do with differences of style and personality. he knows the overall view of the church better than you do. you see a piece of it. he probably sees more of the moving parts and the direction he is moving. he may not be a type A like you are, he may be less of a driver personality. you will need to respect that. it is probably what will enable him to last longer in some of the things he must face at the particular church GOD has placed him. as a follow-up, keep praying for him. often the clashes you find can relate to differences in style or personality. i observed that over years of watching people as they related to my husband. he was happy to talk to those who differed with him without feeling offended. but often those who disagreed with him did not want to do that. they frequently talked to everyone BUT him. that does not make for true peace in the church. talk to your pastor. PLEASE! often he may not have any idea you are not happy.

By: Martha G. Brady Tue, 10 Apr 2018 17:36:36 +0000 whoops! talking to your pastor about your concerns, can build a relationship. frequently, our criticisms are not based on truth. that is why it is important to have a conversation. 1.start by finding out if your “criticism” is based on truth. give him the benefit of the doubt. go to him with a humble attitude recognizing that you don’t have all the answers but are a fellow sinner as well. ask him questions (not loaded ones) to find out if your presuppositions about him are true. then listen to him. allow him to talk.

By: Martha G. Brady Tue, 10 Apr 2018 17:30:50 +0000 i think reality would suggest that anyone has the “right” to criticize their pastor. the question is in what setting it is appropriate? it is never appropriate to criticize your pastor…or anyone, to others! if you have a criticism, go TO him and talk to him about your criticism, concern, question or whatever you want to call it.
