America Turns our Back on God




As a Nation we have turned our back on God! The Real Problem is the immorality of our Nation. Our Founding fathers rightly said that our democracy will cease to work without a moral and religious people (in the context they meant Christian).  I was amazed at what the Democrats did to Romney, who was an honest man. I honestly believe that if Jesus, Himself, were to run for office, he would be made out to be a villain. It did happened 2000 years ago!

The bottom line is that both candidates are sinners. Unfortunately lying is now the norm in elections and the press. So what must we do? We need to vote on POLICIES.

Abortion is the primary issue for Christians. We have murdered more than ten times more babies that Hitler killed Jews. There is no getting around this. I also believe that stealing is worse than lying. Any idiot can see that the CLINTONS have become multi-millionaires by taking money for political favors both at home and Abroad. it is all set out in “Clinton Cash”. Have you read it?

Why not also see “Hillary’s America”, and do your OWN fact checking; for instance an analysis of the 1000’s of law suits that Trump has been involved in prove that he has been sued in total by 1.7 people per year for the last 30 years for not paying his workers etc. I did not say successfully sued. It also shows that most of his law suits were casino related with him suing people that owed him money. Yet Hilliary used correct figures about the total law suits in her speech and stated that people had sued him for “stiffing'” them. This is blatantly false. A very small fraction of the law suits against him over 30 years have been successful. My father was in business, and my father was more honest than anyone I have ever known. Yet he was many times involved in frivolous law suits. This is just life, and it is worse in America where so many lawyers are also crooked.

Another example of the manipulation of statistics is how the speakers at the DNC never use statistics about the state of the country, by ANY measure, for the last 7.5 years. They like to do comparisons based on decades and decades ago regarding, crime, poverty, the state of the economy, etc. They never talk about the fact that Obama has doubled the debt in the last 7.5 years, and they ignore borders, crimes by illegal aliens, terrorism, national security, foreign policy, etc. Even the problems they do speak about, including a divided nation and extreme income inequality, have got MUCH worse under Obama. Polls also show that most people believe that racial hatred and division have also increased under Obama.

In summary, politicians are a reflection of the electorate, as the morals of the electorate deteriorate, so do those of the politicians. This is exactly why Christians are called to be “salt and light” to prevent decay and “a city on a hill” to shine light and hope into the darkness.

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