PLATO OR LINCOLN? Plato believed in a “democracy” of the elite with no votes or human rights for the common people. This was nothing less than an oligarchy, and the antithesis of Judeo-Christian democracy. Under Plato’s democracy only about 20% of the population were actually able to vote. Women and the “common man” had virtually no human rights whatsoever and slavery was the order of the day!
Judeo-Christian democracy, on the other hand came about because of the Protestant Reformation which promoted the Biblical teaching of ALL people being CREATED in the “image of God” – and threfore should have “human rights” based on the “sanctity of human life” – that is why Christians led the fight against slavery and also for civil rights for all races. Wilberforce, an evangelical Christian, got the slave trade and ultimately slavery itself abolished in the British Empire before these things were abolished in the USA. It was Abraham Lincoln, a Christian, and the Republican party who pushed against slavery in the USA.
Later Republicans pushed for civil rights in the USA. JFK and Lynden Johnson could not have passed civil rights legislation without overwhelming Republican support. Democrats were the party of segregation and Jim Crow and the KKK. Republicans led the fight against the racist southern Democratic Governors and racist southern Democrat members of Congress! Senator Robert Byrd, a leading Democrat, was formerly chief wizard of the KKK. Yet Hillary Clinton has praised Robert Bird as one of her “mentors”.
Today’s Democratic Party is also an elitist party who want to emulate Plato. They have ignored the “common man” and want to take us back to the elitist “democracy” of Plato, where the elites tell the rest of us what to do. The Democratic party platform is against the sanctity of human life – and thus by logical implication against the equality of all human beings – the very foundation and the only basis for human rights, which come from a Creator. Even JFK said the human rights come from God and not from the state. Today’s Democrats want to make the USA a totally secular state. Secular states in the twentieth century, led by Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot, murdered hundreds of millions of people, much more than all the wars of the past, including religious wars of the past, put together. These are FACTS of history! Let us not go back to the pagan uncivilized times of Plato! Let us never adopt human secularism as the prevailing “worldview” of our nation!
Secularism is the most intolerant of all worldviews, and is a disaster! Hence we see the civil unrest on our college campuses and also the demonstrations in the street. This is straight out of the Neo-Marxist playbook of the neo-marxist Saul Alinsky**, a mentor of Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, and author of “Rules for Radicals”. Secularism, and the privatization of Christianity is the direction that Obama and Clinton were trying to take us. Eventually secularism will always get rid of all Judaism and Christianity.
God has had mercy upon us by the election of Donald Trump and the Republican party – in a sweep not only of the Presidency and the House and Senate, but also all across the country in Governors and State Legislatures. Trump’s Republican election will ensure an originalist majority in the Supreme Court which will protect our religious freedoms, our freedom of speech, and all our Constitutional rights for another generation.
Those who try to push God out of America and promote secularism are fools. “The Fool says in his Heart that there is no God” (Psalm 14:1). May God have mercy on their souls! We need a Christian awakening in America, or a Christian revival equivalent to the Protestant Reformation itself to return us to our Judeo-Christian roots and our Constitution which reflects those Judeo-Christian roots.
**NOTE: For an excellent exposé of Saul Alinsky buy the excellent documentary put out by ETWN the Roman Catholic television station on their website entitled “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”. Alinksy is also exposed in the documentaries of Dinesh D’Souza, particularly in “2016: Obama’s America” and “Hillary’s America – the Secret History of the Democratic Party”. Both these documentaries are on Amazon Video for live streaming, and also in my personal Amazon video library.