My Thoughts After the Presidential Inauguration about “hate-filled” Protests and the Media.
“God controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars” (Daniel 2:21 NLT)
Those “citizens” who won’t support our democratic process of the smooth transfer of power to our new president betray their oath/duty of citizenship, and have no class!
I wrote what follows below in response to negative comments after my posting the diagram above on Facebook!
I have never supported the POLICIES of Obama. However I always supported him personally and his family. I genuinely like him, even though IMO he is misguided. I have ALSO supported his right to be president, the legitimacy of his presidency, and, as commanded by Scripture, I prayed that he would be a successful president. I wished him well. Most of all I respect our democratic system, and I respect the office of the presidency. And the smooth transfer of power!
As for FOX News, I would make 2 points:
1. Fox admits their conservative bias. Everybody has a bias. The same was so of my professors in University. But I never respected those who claimed to be “unbiased” and “objective”. This is impossible. We all see the world through our own “lenses” or personal “worldviews”. Good professors and journalists admit their world-views before trying to put forth arguments to support them.
2. We should also distinguish between “hard news” and “opinion” or “editorial” presentations which only belong on the Editorial Page of a newspaper. This basic rule of journalism has been completely forgotten in recent times by the New York Times and the main-stream media. Often opinion pieces are pushed as front-page headlines on the New York Times etc. This is against everything they were taught in journalism school. The same journalistic principles should apply to television.
In view of the above, I challenge you – please give me ONE example which proves that Fox News has reported ANY hard news inaccurately. The few times they have mistakenly done so, they immediately apologized for it and corrected the record. Standards of journalism at Fox news are extremely high.
Now, regarding hard NEWS versus opinion, Fox admits that all its programming is in the evenings is “opinion” not “hard news”. Even the first part of “Special Report” by Bret Baier at 6 PM is hard news. Only towards the end of his program does he have a panel of journalists giving opinions. In fact Shepard Smith who does venues in the daytime for Fox is a Democrat. However he reports hard news, he does not give an opinion. He’s honest. That is what all journalism used to be like. Opinions were reserved strictly for the editorial page, or for programs which admit upfront that they are editorial or opinion in nature.
On the other hand, WikiLeaks released genuine emails which exposed that most of the mainstream media are in collusion with the Democratic Party. Donna Brazil of CNN gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. Other debate moderators contacted the DNC to ask what questions should be asked in the debates. These are hard facts that the news media has not even tried to deny.
Worse than this is the fact that many of the journalists of papers like the New York Times and the Washington Post would often have their stories “vetted” by the DNC before publishing them. The John Podesta emails show that many of the news organizations send their stories to him for approval before publishing them.
This should be a worldwide outrage. This is as bad as Pravada!
The mainstream media have lost all credibility and their ratings are diminishing rapidly. Journalism is dead! Sad!
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” – Abraham Lincoln
Many people who live in America who are in a position to know what is really going on, are not fooled. Two factors thwarted the attempts of the dishonest mainstream media:
1. Social Media
2. Fox News, and other rapidly developing online conservative tv channels like OAN (‘One America News”)
More people watch FOX News then all the other cable network news channels put together. The number is almost as big as all news channels put together.
Thank God for social media and Twitter so that Donald Trump can now speak directly to the American people, and not be held hostage by the biased lenses of our so-called “mainstream media”, which few listen to or read anymore.
Dave Seivright
January 21, 2017