In a recent Post on Facebook, my friend Spencer Brand compared slavery and the hollochaust as follows:
“The holocaust just some 70 years ago was horrible – words really cannot not describe its evil. And anti-Semitism is an ongoing serious problem.
Yet, I have never heard a Jewish person say, “the reason I am not successful is because of the holocaust”, “the reason I can’t get ahead is because of the holocaust. I have never never heard that “excuse”.
Then why do I hear from so many black men and women the use of slavery which ended some 150 years ago used as an excuse for why they cannot get ahead? And, ongoing discrimination in places used as an excuse to justify the terrible conditions in the black ghettos? This, even despite the fact, that for eight years a black man was the leader of this nation?
There is no doubt that the “victim mentality” is a 20th century phenomenon based on a shift from the Judeo-Christian value of “personal responsibility” to the Marxist ideal of “collective responsibility” and the “nanny-state” which “owes” us because we exist, even if we are from another country!
This is in line with the atheistic-communist ideal of earthly “utopianism”. It is a fantasy because atheistic philosophies deny the reality of the Biblicall fall which has perverted human nature, and they also deny that the ultimate “social justice” is that God will punish the unrepentant wicked, and yet redeem repentant sinners through the death of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross and, His Grace in offering us Forgiveness as a Gift.
Dr, Ben Carson, is just one example of an African American, who overcame the worst possible circumstances which he experienced in his early childhood. Why was this? His single mother had a strong faith in God and believed in personal responsibility. She embraced Judeo-Christian teachings of the Bible and passed them on to him and his brother. They were able to break the cycle of dependency and succeed in America, and fulfil the American Dream!