Is Your Political Worldview Utopian or Biblical?
What is More Important? Your personal “feelings” about the President or his Agenda?
Here is a letter I found I had to write to a wonderful Godly but misguided Pastor, who I greatly admire as a person, but I strongly disagree with his hiarachy of political-ethical values:
“Dear Brother, I think you are for Utopianism! I greatly respect you as a person but your political ideas are a mystery to me. I think what separates us is that I spent years training as a lawyer in England, and I firmly believe that we are innocent until proven guilty! Otherwise we are guilty of LIBEL AND SLANDER. I think your “dislike’” (I hope not “hatred”) of Trump has blinded you to all reason, and everything that I learnt about ethics by the greatest Evangelical leaders of the 20th century.
“Your worldview is a shock to everything I spent years learning from Francis Schaeffer and J.I. Packer and John Scott and at Trinity College and Westminster Seminary! We live in a fallen world, we will ALWAYS be faced by a choice of the lesser evils! We also live in a world where reading the New York Times is like reading Pravda under the former USSR! We are also living in a world undergoing Spiritual Warfare. The Democratic Party Platform is entirely on the side of the Evil One, murdering tens of millions of Babies! Trump and the GOP are far from perfect, but their agenda lines up much more in line with Scripture! That is a fact, not simply an opinion!
“Tearing down the President and the GOP is to be fighting against the really important things recognized both by the Bible and the Constitution such as the sanctity of life and religious freedom! Please do NOT pass down such ideas to the people whose souls you are responsible for! Would you really prefer to have Hillary Clinton as President than Donald Trump? if so, you are and I are from different universes.
“I never wanted to live in the USA. it is a young culture and is prone to extremes. It lacks balance. This is why my parents chose to educate me in Europe. That is why I chose men like Schaeffer, Packer, and Scott as my mentors!
“Yet the most important good thing about the USA is that the Evangelicals here (the ordinary churchgoer) understands that socialism and liberal ideology is Anti-Christian. We have personally experienced socialism in three countries. Pauline and I only came here because of a call from God. As we landed we prayed that God would save the USA from the evils of socialism and liberalism. God answered our prayers by raising up Reagan and Trump! We learn from the Bible and from Church History, that God uses flawed sinners (and often even pagans) to further His Agenda. Just study the lives of the political leaders of those who supported Wilberforce! Many American theologians are seemingly blind to this fact and get bogged down in the cult of personalities and personal sinfulness of our political leaders, and are REALLY missing the bigger issues!
As we landed in America in 1979, we also feared that the people here (including some evangelical leaders) are not versed in history, particularly the history of philosophy and of political ideas, and are naive in these matters. Unfortunately this is also true within much of the Evangelical church in Europe, yet we are GREATLY encouraged that the vast majority of ordinary Evangelicals in the USA, unlike their seminary trained leaders, voted for Trump! They are not brainwashed by the higher elite liberal “education” which has overtaken universities and seminaries alike in the USA.
Only God can help us, and He will!”