Why can we never celebrate success in America?
We have 2 million new jobs and the DOW is up over 5,000 points since the 2016 election. Also see the list to date of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since the Trump tax bill passed in December last year published in USA Today: CLICK HERE Did you know that unemployment of African Americans and Hispanics are at an all time low? This boom is good for EVERYBODY! Obama is the only US president in memory never to have had in 8 years an annual 3% growth in GDP!!! Trump is changing all that! Obama also doubled our national debt by an amount more than the aggregate of all previous U.S. presidents in history! It is no wonder they can’t celebrate Trump’s success because it draws attention to their own failures!
I sincerely believe that those on the left HATE America. Do you remember when (on 2.18.2008) Michelle Obama said “for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country”. I believe that this hatred of America is pure unadulterated Marxism! The left applaud the so called “achievements” of left wing American leaders because these so called achievements simply destroy America and American exceptionalism as the leader for good in the free world. THEY HAVE A GLOBALIST AGENDA without borders‼️
It is an effort to destroy our free-market system, our Judeo-Christian heritage and Constitution with freedom of speech, religious liberty, and individual rights! The leftist dream is to make the USA a second rate country, and make it have a socialist one-party system where the government and the left-wing multi-national GLOBALIST wealthy elites get hold of ALL the people’s money and give give all the POWER to the government, and their surrogates.
Christianity and the middle class stand in the way of their agenda! This is why religious liberty and a properous middle class are feared by them! POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is the tool which they use to shut down any rational debate on the issues, and free speech itself! Anyone who disagrees with them are called racist, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, and the list goes on.
They turn the American dream on its head! Now it is not hard work which brings success, but how much money one can get as free handouts from the government, as we are “victims” and we are “entitled” to these benefits and subsidies! The very Christian work ethic and the creation of a meritocracy which made America great are seen as evil!
This is the start of every totalitarian state! They really want a state controlled welfare ”nanny” state where the government (who is their god) owns everything and puts us all on the “government plantation“ and changes our individual freedoms into slavery to our new slave Masters the State and their chosen elites. Do they understand that their left wing socialist policies will transform America into an oligarchy in the image of Russia and China? They are not idiots, they are highly intelligent and highly educated. They are following the Marxist Saul Alinsky’s handbook “Rules for Radicals”, an updated version of “the Communist Manifesto” which encourages hate: class and race warfare and division of society in order to bring down evil capitalism and free-market economics.
I think that all these leftists should move to China or Russia or at least move to Western Europe which is further down the progressive road than the USA. Why do they live in a country that they hate?
Let President Trump do the things that “the people” (who they call “Deplorables“ and hicks) elected him to do! Their elitist arrogance is “deplorable”! Obama famously called middle America “people who cling to their Bibles and guns”. They want to shut down such “hicks” and “Deplorables”. However, for now, much to their chagrin, we are still a democratic republic! Hillary lost! Get over it!
Watch a short excerpt of this “prophetic” Speech by George H.W. Bush on “Political Correctness” at University of Michigan Commencement, May 4, 1991.