America is a very young country, with the capacity for extreme change almost every decade. It took me years of living in the USA, and years of studying American history and of understanding the thinking of the Founding Fathers and how they wanted to avoid oppression and totalitarianism which they were escaping in Europe, before I understood and agreed with the 2nd Amendment.
Our Founding Fathers did everything to avoid America becoming the very thing they were escaping from. And yet they also understood that despite checks and balances, freedom of speech, religious liberty, and avoiding state tyranny, were very fragile things. We already see the First Ammendment being trampled upon at U.C. Berkeley, and on University Campuses across the country! Higher education is becoming a sham for propaganda of the left!
In the words of John Adams “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
With the rapid change in America away from a Judea-Christian culture and the rapid rise of the secular progressive left in the last eight years, we are ceasing to be “a moral and religious people” and John Adams fears are being realized in our lifetime! America is DIVIDED and in gridlock which is the forerunner of violent demonstrations and chaos, which is inevitably the forerunner to totalitarianism, either from the extreme left or the extreme right to restore “the peace”. Either alternative would be disasterous‼
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