A facebook friend commented to me: “I don’t need to prove the resurrection, it is for Christians to prove it occurred.”
Here was my reply:
I don’t have to prove anything! God has already revealed Himself to mankind. Mankind without God is a mess, the world is in a mess! God did not create a mess. It is sinful self-centered greedy mankind which has messed up God’s beautiful universe! Man has also become self-righteous and proud, and worships himself and his achievements; he is still trying to build utopia, instead of admitting his own sinfulness and limitations, and that without God he is nothing! Just look around you! Jesus said that those who have eyes to see will see.
“For the truth about God is known to them instinctively; God has put this knowledge in their hearts. 20 Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of his existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse when they stand before God at Judgment Day.
“21 Yes, they knew about him all right, but they wouldn’t admit it or worship him or even thank him for all his daily care. And after a while they began to think up silly ideas of what God was like and what he wanted them to do. The result was that their foolish minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming themselves to be wise without God, they became utter fools instead.” Romans 1:19-22
Is ignorance really bliss? Unlike you I used my many years of training as a lawyer, particularly in terms of the rules of evidence and interpretation, to try to disprove the resurrection. But the facts convinced me that it is true. I was not content to live in “blissful” ignorance of the most important event in human history! You seem to think that you are much wiser than those of us who took the time to check out the facts for themselves and not simply quote things written by others!
My life itself is proof of the resurrection, I have met the Living Lord, I have a close personal relationship with Him, and like the original disciples, I am willing to be persecuted and die for what I know to be true. Once you have experienced truth, there is no turning back. Once you have seen the light you cannot walk in darkness anymore. In fact I am much more content and fulfilled now than when I did not know Him, despite many difficulties and problems which I have faced in my lifetime. Your ignorance of God is not bliss but a tragedy!
God loves you, whether you know it or not, and He has been good to you throughout your life, whether you acknowledge it or not. One day you will have to give an account to Him. He is perfect, you and I are not. Without Christ your life and destiny is ultimately a tragedy without purpose or meaning. Many of the most intelligent atheists throughout history, such as Sartre, and even Nietzsche, have admitted this!
It has been shown that there are really no genuine atheists. Atheism only exists in the Judeo-Christian Western culture. “A-theism” is simply a reaction against the sinfulness of theists, of a broken world, and of natural disasters! Studies have shown that atheists are simply people who are angry with God. What is the source of your anger? Meditate on this, and don’t allow your anger and disappointment to allow you to miss the obvious! I will pray for you, God loves you and so do I.