A friend who is a Pastor in Europe shared the following on Facebook:
“I received the most interesting email from someone earlier today. They wanted to express some things that “concerned” them about me. They said it was the “loving” thing to do. These people are “Christian” friends of mine. Have been for years now.
I am left wondering tonight: why is it that the meanest, most judgemental people I have ever known in my entire life…are Christians? How can that be…when Jesus was known as a *friend* of sinners–so much so that the religious insiders called him a “glutton” and “drunkard”; he was counted among the “sinners.” How is it that Christians can do so many hateful and hurtful things and claim they are doing it because of love…and “in the name of Jesus”? How is it that Christians can be so sure they know another person and be so quick to judge when they have not bothered to take the time to know the other person?
My friends, as a pastor this troubles me deeply. Of all the people in the world who cause me to question my calling, none do so as much as the so-called Christians I am supposed to serve.
Practice humility. Be slow to judge. I plead with you: befriend Grace.”
Here was my reply:
So True! Francis Schaeffer went through this experience and it led him to doubt the very existence of God, because of the behavior of the “Christians” towards Him. Particularly church leaders. However, this was the best thing that ever happened to him.
It caused him to go back to the very basics and question his own faith, and to build a logical foundation for his beliefs from the bottom up. This led him to develop his system of apologetics, give up the financial support of the church, and step out in faith to start the ministry of L’Abri.
He covenanted never to ask for money but to prove the existence of God by simply prayer and fasting on Mondays for the rest of his life. L’Abri continues to this day on this principle and God has done marvelous things!
When I gave up my law practice in 1976 and stepped out in faith and go to Europe to attend L’Abri with my wife and family, we lived by this same principle not only at L’Abri but also for the years that followed while I attended seminary in England. God provided generously for our every need including the education of our children, and gave me the opportunity to be mentored by other great men of God such as J.I.Packer, and John Stott until we moved to the USA to do further seminary studies and start a church.
Then when we came to the USA in 1979 God showed us that we were not to live by that principle any longer but that we should be willing to share our needs with others. In so doing God has continued to provide for us until the present time first as a pastor and now as a missionary working with Cru to evangelize and mentor young professionals. Through this ministry Phil Nicholas and many others whom you know came to know Jesus.
Yet one day I hope to write a book about how by prayer and fasting alone, and without sharing our needs, God provided for us by miracle after miracle for more than three years while we were in Europe.
I hope that my story of how God used what was bad to bring about great good will be an encouragement to you.
For a bio of Francis Schaeffer see: http://www.churchleadership.org/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=42392&columnid=4545