Obama’s legacy will be: 1. A good family man, and example to us all. 2. The First African American Presiden. However, Obama’s globalist, anti-Semitic, and pro-Muslim poilcies weakened America abroad, particularly in the Middle East. Obama saw himself as President of the world. His lack of understanding of our Judeo-Christian foundation and heritage which made America EXCEPTIONAL and the total opposite of the French Secularist Constitution and the post-Christian Christian welfare state of Western Europe. The Iran Deal cast in stone the financing and continuing of Islamic terrorism in the region for the foreseeable future. He even meddled in the Israeli elections to try and get Netenyahu out of office! His Marxist-Muslim upbringing explains this entirely and exposes his most formative influences. This is dealt with comprehensively in the excellent documentary “Obama’s America” by Dinesh D’Souza.
His economic policies doubled the National Debt, left black and poor people unemployed, and widened the gap between rich and poor.
He Dived America: He patently used his Marxist/Saul Alinsky methodology which divided black and white, rich and poor, gay and straight, male and female, or any other “identity“ which could be set against each other. It’s all laid out in “Rules for Radicals”, by Saul Alinsky, the father of the “community organizer” movement, this book is a modern update of “the Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx – giving detailed instructions of how to convert a democratic state to a Marxist one without firing a shot or having an organized military revolution.
HE ADVANCED THE “PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT”: He moved the Democratic Party and Universities to the far left – from being moderate and being pro-civil liberties to progressive ultra-left intolerant and totalitarian. He demagogued conservative or Christian thought and speakers on school and College Campuses and even in the public square. Progressives now desire to ignore the Constitution using “political correctness” to suppress freedom of speech and religious liberty. Biblical teaching for the first time is seen as “hate crimes” in the USA. Conservatives have been expelled from our universities, now not only as professors, but now even as guest speakers. This makes education a farce without any rational debate and exchange of ideas.
GLOBALISM: He approached immigration and the rule of law by making us a coutry “without borders” and with no respect for the rule of law. If he didn’t like our laws he should have used the proper methods of having legislation passed by Congress of having a Constitutional Amendment if necessary! This lawless approach spread to other issues. Blacks and minorities did not advance under this black president! The Police are often vilified. Minorities of inner Cities, like Chicago, continue in unemployment and poverty and the vast numbers of black on black murders is possibly the most unreported scandal of this century.
He created the “Deep State” by allowing the DOJ and FBI and IRS to target others of a different political persuasion. This is common in totalitarian and 3rd world countries. This is the beginning of the end of our democratic Republic.
In summary, he has abandoned the Judeo-Christian and Small Government, free enterprise basis of the USA. This the very essence of American exceptionalism.
By contrast he has made “the American Dream” difficult if not impossible! He tried to create a globalist, beaurrocratic, big government, Socialist-Marxist welfare “nanny” state, on the model of Western Europe (where individual liberties are disappearing at a rapid rate!). No small business or individual can afford the lawyers and accountants to deal with Government regulations.
If you don’t believe me “follow the cash”. Obama and the Clinton’s best friends and largest donors are the top 1% – the media, the rich oligarchs in Hollywood and Silocone Valley, the multi-national corporations, the hugely endowed Ivy League Universities and the other elites. These people control the money and squelch freedom of speech. Their tools are: the press, the control of information on the internet, the liberal university professors, but most effectively by using the old phenomenon of censorship, with a new name “political correctness”.
Their ultimate goal, or the ultimate result of their policies, is that they would squeeze the middle class and small business out of existence, leaving most of us silenced and poor.
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