“Face to Face with Death” by Felipe Assis
About 20 years ago, I was filled with fear and uncertainty as I was being rolled into the operating room for a long difficult cancer operation away from my wife and my two daughters who were at the hospital.
Then I heard clearly in my head a verse of Scripture that removed all fear, and filled me with peace and even joy! Here is the verse, which I now have permanently inscribed in my heart and in a very special ring on my finger:
“He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32
Today I heard a sermon which reminded me of this verse; I would be delighted if it is preached at my own funeral if I die before Christ returns.
WATCH SERMON: “Face to Face with Death” by Felipe Assis, Crossbridge Church, 7.29.18 (Matthew 26:36-46)
Felipe Assis, is Senior Pastor at Crossbridge Church and President of City to City Miami. Felipe was born in Brazil but was raised between his native country and The United States. He has earned a Th.B from Seminario Presbiteriano do Norte and an M.Div from Reformed Theological Seminary, USA. Felipe has previously founded and pastored two other churches in Recife, Brazil, and in 2008 he moved to Miami at the invitation of Redeemer City to City with his wife Beth and two young children to plant Crossbridge Church and serve as a catalyst to a gospel movement in Miami. Beth holds masters degrees in mental health psychology and international education, and deeply compliments Felipe in ministry. Together they now enjoy life in Miami with their four daughters, Ana, Zoe, Camila, and Francesca.