UPDATE 07/11/2017:
QUADRIPLEGIC – STARVED TO DEATH BY EUTHANASIA – Vincent Lambert, who had been at the center of a debate over state-mandated assisted dying, has passed away aged 42.
If you turn on the news you will be startled by the divisiveness and the confusion in our culture. This ranges from disputes about the American flag to issues such as the sanctity of human life and confusion about gender and sexuality, and whether or not human life is sacred.
Here is what I wrote a few minutes ago in answer to a post on my FaceBook page:
Western Civilization was built on Judeo-Christian values which are based on the absolute moral values of the character and image of God Himself – as reflected by the Ten Commandments and the fact that each individual is made in the image of God. The image of God (Imago Dei) is indeed the standard for the 10 Commandments. It is the basis for inalienable “human rights” based on the Character of God. We go BACKWARDS when we change from these absolute moral standards to mere human ideas or emotions. “Everyone does what is right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25) is a classic definition of “relativism”.
The above is the basis of everything that I have ever written on my blog or on Facebook. There is no other basis for genuine human rights than “Imago Dei”. That is why we believe that all human beings regardless of their race, sexual orientation, nationality, disabilities, slave or free, are equal in the eyes of God.
However, never does the Bible celebrate those things which depart from the image of God. We do not celebrate murder, or adultery, or dishonesty etc.
This also applies to gender. We celebrate that God made men and women in His image.
“So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)
Human beings were created in God’s image! That means they honored life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, integrity, faithfulness, respect for private property, etc. etc.
All this changed with “the fall”. Man rebelled against the image of God and things like murder, rape, infidelity, greed, pride, envy, dishonesty, polygamy, bestiality, sodomy, gossip, etc. entered the human race and indeed “the fall” even affected the environment of the planet itself causing suffering, death, hurricanes, earthquakes, global warming or cooling, and all natural disasters.
The distinguishing thing about western civilization is that these lack of virtues are not celebrated. On the contrary because we value life as “sacred” made in the image of God – it is a virtue to respect others, and indeed even love our enemies. BUT JESUS LOVES THE SINNER NOT THE SIN. Sin simply means departure from “Imago dei”. Once we depart from this we lose all our human dignity, our human rights, our freedoms, our liberties, and the pursuit of genuine happiness as defined by God. Indeed we lose purpose, meaning, morality, and eventual justice and destiny.
Yes, now we are are going backwards, we are no longer respecting life (which is the primary feature of imago dei), and as a result we celebrate sin, including infidelity, pornography, polygamy, bestiality, and all forms of sexual immorality, abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. Once we do this we will not only lose life, but also liberty and genuine happiness. Genuine happiness is only found in having a relationship with God and living in line with the image of God.
Very early in creation, God also created marriage between one man and one woman for life. I have never met or heard of of a homosexual who said that if he had a choice in the matter he or she would choose homosexual orientation.
Sociologists will not find a society in all of human history where for any lengthy period of time homosexuality is preferred to heterosexuality. (The ancient Greeks for a time worshipped masculinity and practiced homosexuality without shame, but this was one of the things which led to the destruction of their culture because they also treated peasants, women, and slaves as mere chattels).
Not celebrating homosexual practice or gender confusion, has less to do with the bigotry of society (I don’t approve of bigotry) but has everything to do with the fact that when a man and a woman get married and make a covenant of fidelity for life, they are imaging God. There is a complementarity between male and female (God is both male and female – see Gen 1:27 above) which images God and is a thing of beauty which cannot be equalled by male on male or female on female relationships.
Sexual orientation in itself is not a sin one way or the other. God loves the homosexual and the heterosexual equally. However, the practice of any form of sexual immorality, whether it be sex outside of marriage, or adultery, or polygamy or homosexual sex are all contrary to “Imago Dei” and should not be celebrated.
I have studied for many years the relationship between the beliefs of a culture and the quality and the enduring nature of a culture. Once a culture departs from “Imago Dei” it results in a loss of human dignity and respect, totalitarianism, and eventually to the worst type of idolatry, which is man worshipping himself – man promotes himself to be the center of all things and the measure and judge of all things, there are no moral absolutes outside of himself, liberty becomes license, there is no constraint of “Imago Dei” – then the inevitable happens – the very foundation of any civilized culture and the civilization itself disintegrates from within and destroys itself.
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