1.“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher
2. You are far too intelligent to be blindly believing the sort of class or race DIVISION started by Marx, repeated by Saul Alinsky, and now the everyday chant of the leftist mainstream media. Most Americans do not share their goal of changing America into a Socialist nation.
3. Socialism with its high taxes does not affect the super rich – they simply move their capital elsewhere! The taxes only affect the middle class and small business destroying free enterprise and lower class and middle class jobs, and depriving them of the self-respect which comes from work.
4.Socialism believes that “the people” are stupid, selfish, “Deplorables” (Hillary Clinton) who “cling to their guns and their Bibles” (Obama), and the “enlightened” elites running the Federal Government know what is best for them, and should CONTROL their so-called “freedoms”.
5.Socialism has been tried in California, Cuba, Venezuela, and even in some States in the USA. It eliminates the middle class and creates a two class economy: FIRST THE BOTTOM LEVEL: – those dependent on government and welfare, and SECOND: – the leftist elites and super-rich (the “Limousine Liberals”) who don’t pay taxes, this is why they support the Socialist State Government and are unconcerned about high taxes on “the rich” as they have the ability to avoid them.
6.This is the cause of the homeless people on the streets of Baltimore, San Francisco, and Los Angles, while the rich elites in those cities live in walled communities with armed guards. Manufacturing companies and the middle class move out of California to other states like Texas and other Republican run states; or in the case of countries Cuba or Venezuela they moved to other countries. The same thing happened to Jamaica under Michael Marley.
7.In the USA before Trump they moved to Mexico and China. Under Trump they are bringing back their factories creating jobs for millions resulting in the the lowest unemployment rate for women, blacks, and Hispanics with the lowest overall unemployment in history. These are facts not mere ideology or propaganda.
8.Our founding Fathers understood the danger of putting too much power, and especially the economy into the hands of the Federal government? They stressed small federal government, they feared the TYRANNY of big federal government. This is why they designed a Constitution which placed power in the hands of “we the people” and the individual states with LIMITED federal government, Their entire American dream was individual freedom to avoid the TYRANNY they had experienced under Colonial Britain!
9.Have you even read “the Federalist Papers” written by our founders explaining the principle of limited powers of the federal government by keeping power in the hands of those elected representatives closest to the people who elected them – the individual states.
10.The Federal Government should only control UNIVERSAL principles which should apply to ALL states, including things like “all men are CREATED equal with inalienable rights [from God] such as LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS”. This why the Federal Government had the right to abolish slavery and later enforce CIVIL RIGHTS laws!