1. Both Buddhism and atheism are impersonal as they both agree that all there is to the universe is eternal matter and/or energy. Therefore Buddhism is essentially the Eastern form of atheism. Both matter and energy are impersonal.
2. The universe is not impersonal because it includes human beings that are personal.
3. Even the “old atheists” like Sartre and Nietzsche agree that in an impersonal universe there can be no morals, meaning, significance, purpose, etc. which are attributes of personality.
4. Neither science or atheism or any impersonal worldview can explain how the cause or origin of personality can be impersonality.
5. Science itself has now definitively proven that the assumption behind atheism and all impersonal worldviews that matter/energy is eternal is false. Since the Hubble Telescope and the “big bang” science says that matter/energy is not eternal – in fact the entire universe including space and time had a beginning and will have an end. See short YouTube video below.
6. Since all impersonal worldviews are now proven essentially wrong by science itself, now even the “new atheists” have a big problem. Only theism which believes that a personal infinite God outside of the universe and outside of the Big Bang could have created the universe and can also account for personality.