Reasons to believe the resurrection of Christ is a true, historical, event —-that matters to everyone (whether believed or not). The following (particularly items 1-6) are admitted by the overwhelming majority of biblical history scholars (as to the conclusion, there is no better explanation):
1. He was brutally tortured and killed on a cross by professional executioners in Jerusalem.
2. He was placed in a tomb.
3. That same tomb was discovered empty a few days later.
(His enemies tried to explain this by saying Jesus followers stole his body.)
4. Hundreds of people claim to have seen him alive after He was killed, and after His tomb was reported empty.
5. Many of those who witnessed his resurrection were arrested, tortured and killed for claiming they were eyewitnesses to the risen Christ. They claim they saw him, touched him, heard him speak (often), after his death.
6. People are willing to die for a lie —- but only if they ‘believe’ it is true. People will not willingly die for a lie that they ‘know’ is a lie.
7. If the followers of Christ DID NOT experience the risen Christ (touching him, eating with him, etc…) then they knew what they were proclaiming about him was false! And then that would mean they willingly gave up their livelihoods, willingly were tortured, willingly died, for something they knew was a lie.
… no one does that.
Therefore, He indeed rose. And because he rose, His promises of forgiveness, hope, eternal love, are true…
November 10, 2019